
Posts Tagged ‘motives

Some of my friendships have really grown as of late and some of them have weaned and disappeared.

I don’t trust easily and I am incredibly loyal, even to those that hurt me repeatedly.

Learning slowly that a lot of my friends who claim to be there are just posers. Never answer calls or texts, never have time, can never help, aren’t there when you need them. Others that I never knew I could count on have come through when I least expected and help from those I would have never imagined would lend a hand.

That feels good. It means MY side of our friendship doesn’t go unnoticed after all.

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  • smrisme: If she didn't know I was hurting that would be one thing, but she knows. She called earlier and heard me crying. Since then, no call, no text to check
  • foreverlostgirl23: I'd say don't let her get to you but, seems she already had. I'm sorry though your not alone. I hope things get better you can email me if u need to t
  • smrisme: I just fear a lack of human connection will make our generation unbelievably cold and out of touch
