
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas

Now that the kids are back to school it FINALLY feels like the holidays are truly over. For the most part they were good, low key, and full of new beginnings.

First was the tree… For the past seven years or so, I haven’t been “allowed” to get a real tree because my Ex felt that they were waste of money and he was too lazy to saw it into pieces to fit into our green waste can, as required by the city we live in. So, even though I took the fake tree with me when I left, I still got a real tree. Christina and I went to Home Depot to pick out a tree. There was a 8.5 foot tree in the 7 foot section for some reason and she told me to get it. It was wrapped in twine and I couldn’t see the shape, but she told me to have faith and just go with it. Of course, I couldn’t do such a thing. Me? Throw caution to the wind? Never. I had the guy clip the twine and she was right, the tree was perfect. We had the guy put it on top the car and drove home.

Now… ask yourself how two chicks are going to get an 8.5 foot tree off the car, into the house, into a stand and actually standing upright and straight? Like two clowns in a comedy is the answer. First, just taking it off of the car I dropped it, which landed on Christina’s thigh giving her a bruise like Robin Givens after Mike Tyson got a hold of her. Ooopsie… my bad. Then getting it into the stand we pretty much killed one another…. Vocally that is. However, in the end it all worked out and it was gorgimous as my mom would say. Note to self: real trees die fast, leave a mess behind and come with tons of bugs… EWWWWWW.

Christmas eve we went to Tracee’s house and did their gift exchange. It’s nice that they consider us family since I don’t really have one. We stayed there and then I dropped the kids off with my Ex since he demanded them as I kept them on Thanksgiving. He’s a douchebag and could have seen his kids on Thanksgiving, but he never asked and then wanted to use it against me later. Typical. Sitting alone on Xmas eve I couldn’t shake the feeling that waking up without my kids just didn’t feel right. Hello reality of divorce – thanks for smacking me in the face.

Christmas morning I drove to my ex’s house to watch the kids open their gifts from him. I wanted to see their reaction when they got the tablets he got for them (after telling me it was inappropriate for me to buy them tablets) After they were done I drove home and sulked at the idea of the kids not opening their gifts til December 27th as that was how long their dad planned on keeping them. I ended up driving to his house at 7pm, getting the kids, stopping by my sister’s house and then driving back home. The kids didn’t finish opening their gifts til 10:30 at night, but I didn’t care because at least it was Christmas!

I got a keychain pen from my daughter, a 5×7 picture frame from my niece and my ex gave me three camera items, yet they were all for Nikon cameras and I use a Canon…. Perfect example of why he is about to be my ex. Lame ass.


So there I was; simply putting up the office Xmas tree as asked by my boss. Simple task right? No. No it wasn’t. For me it was a trigger of all things.

My husband and I put up Xmas trees together for 18 years and for 18 years I listened to him criticize me about how I decorated, how I strung the lights, the placement of the ornaments, etc.

So while I was decorating the tree at work I was second guessing every ornament placement, the shape of the tree skirt, etc.

GeeeeeeeZus. Am I that fucked up that I can’t even decorate a tree with self-confidence?

I can’t wait to put up my Xmas tree at home, and do whatever the hell I want to do in MY home.

New beginnings.

How was your Christmas?  Mine was good, thanks for asking. J


Friday we got off of work early, so I spent my afternoon at a car dealership.  Fun (not.) I bought myself a new car, YAY me!  My lease was running out on my car, so I had been test driving for about a week or so.  I was looking for a cross-over type vehicle and three women I know all have husbands who sell cars, so I knew it would come from one of them, since I detest car salesmen and can’t fathom dealing with a “stranger.”  I ended up getting an incredible deal at the lot where my niece works.  It’s nice to walk into a dealership and buy a $25,000.00 car with no money down… BALLIN!


I ended up getting the Mazda CX-9.  Eight-seater with plenty of room for me and the kids and if we travel anywhere we have plenty of room for bags and crap in the back also.  I really like it because it drives and handles like a car, and not a truck, or SUV.  The only thing it doesn’t have that my Jetta did is heated seats.  My cold little butt (yes my butt has slowly disappeared) is freezing in the morning too.  Losing weight makes you sooooooooooooooo cold, and I miss those seats already. YAY for losing weight and being freezing!


Christmas eve we went to my bestie’s house.  I’m so glad her family welcomes me and treats me like family because without them I would have no where to go, and they remind me of what a REAL family should be like…. Not the people I was born into.  I still don’t understand how I ended up so different than them?  Anyway…. We did food, presents, and games and I drove home with a smile, YAY for smiling!


Christmas day was nice.  Kids were excited, got everything they asked for and more.  My husband bought me everything on my wish list except one gift card I asked for, YAY for getting things on your wish list!


I cooked a large meal.  My niece and her boyfriend came over to eat, and my dad came and visited in the morning while we did presents, then came back for dinner.  Then we spent the evening watching a movie. YAY for new movies and a new blue-ray player!


The day after Christmas I went to our local florist who has the most amazing trees and decorations.  They always have a huge sale and I always go there on the 26th.  I got just a few items since our tree is packed already with ornaments.  YAY for awesome new ornaments!


Afterwards I ran some errands and ended up in a very interesting place.  I went to see HER.  My husband’s girlfriend on the side.  I know where she works and knew she would be working the day after Christmas.  I get to the place, I walk in and she immediately walked up to me.  She said “hi, can I help you find anything?”  And then I punched her in the face…. Oh wait… that was my dream.  I replied “no, not at all.” And she said “ok then, alright then” and walked away.  My knees were shaking, I could barely walk, I got goosebumps, and I just wanted to start cussing her out, but it takes two to tango and this is not all her fault.  YAY for doing the Tango!


I feel better now that I saw her in person.  I feel better knowing that she is ugly, and fatter than me.  I feel better knowing that she has the fat legs where her cellulite cakes under her butt cheeks, I feel better knowing that her voice is annoying, I feel better knowing that she works in a job where she feels the need to wear a nametag that says MANAGER in huge letters instead of her name because it probably makes her feel better about herself.  I feel better knowing that I know something both her and him don’t know.  YAY for one-uping the assholes!


Anyway, so busy at work… sooooooo sooooo busy.  Enough work for three people in my desk alone.  We are all swamped, but we are all employed, and that’s a good thing.  Now, to finish out another short week.  YAY for short weeks!


Lastly, pineapple isn’t as tart as it used to be and has started tasting better again.  YAY for pineapple!

I’m trying…….. trying to get in the spirit. 


All of my shopping is done, 98% done online.  I hate people, lines, craziness. 


I need my decorations and what not out of the rafters, but can’t climb the ladder myself.  So here I sit, blogging instead of putting up a tree, even though my kids are begging. 


My one day off, since I had to work yesterday, and I am not wanting to do anything but lie here and watch a movie. No one to chat with online, and I don’t want to go anywhere. 


The dream of my mom yesterday while comforting at the time has left me a little on the depressed side.  She was what made the holidays for me, and it’s not the same without her.  There is no magic in the air, so to speak.  I realize I am supposed to make the magic myself, but UGH, I don’t want to and you can’t make me, so shut it!


Tomorrow is the holiday party at work.  Blah.  A bunch of acting like we like each other, and speaking properly for the big wigs from our corporate office.  Who gives a shit?  They don’t care about us, other than the profit our office raises. Yet they want to laugh, smile, hug, aka BE FAKE AS HELL.   The good news is I will get off of work a couple of hours early. I usually come home and wrap presents, but without a tree, what’s the use?  


I am off on Thursday this week, so only a four day work week.  YAY!  Lots to do on Thursday though.  Kids holiday programs at school, one at 845 and one at 1030, and then I have a couple of errands I have to run.  I hate having days off, which really ARENT days off.  It sucks. 


I can’t wait til tonight when I load my new Coach purse with all my junk so I can carry it tomorrow.  🙂  ❤



  • None
  • smrisme: If she didn't know I was hurting that would be one thing, but she knows. She called earlier and heard me crying. Since then, no call, no text to check
  • foreverlostgirl23: I'd say don't let her get to you but, seems she already had. I'm sorry though your not alone. I hope things get better you can email me if u need to t
  • smrisme: I just fear a lack of human connection will make our generation unbelievably cold and out of touch
